Inspiration – Inspirational gifts to help people believe

Gifts of inspiration to inspire friends to succeed

SEE inspirational gifts for Motivation and Encouragement  in our online store

Inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative; and in general, people get inspiration and motivation from other people and the beautiful environment around them.

Inspired by the world
Inspiration comes and goes but we can be inspired by many things – the world around us, for example, or the act of a friend
Inspirational places
Inspiration from an inspirational place – and acts of kindness by loved-ones (or even complete strangers)

People get inspiration and encouragement from their friends and loved-ones, their colleagues – and sometimes even from complete strangers – particularly when they are given a special present.

Help someone achieve their goals with a small gift of inspiration to give them the confidence and courage to follow their dreams and achieve success in whatever they are trying to do.

Help someone believe that they can do it, and give them encouragement by letting them know you are thinking of them: Inspiration jewellery, for example, makes a great gift to inspire those closest to you.

Inspirational gifts Camino Indalo James

Inspirational gifts, like motivational presents, inspire people to never give up:

Inspiration to get fit; Inspiration to lose weight; Inspiration for a journey – like going on El Camino de Santiago, for example; or the creative inspiration of the arts: To write, to draw, to paint, to dance.

See gifts for inspiration in our SHOP below. NB: You can also see inspirational gifts for Motivation and Encouragement  in our CENTRAL (Group) STORE

Smokey Quartz, Pearl + Garnet necklace with Heart

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Product Details

. . a charming gift with meaning

This Smokey Quartz necklace is a pretty, yet powerful piece of jewellery, consisting of mixed Garnet, dark Pearl and Smokey Quartz beads in soft greys, deep dark reds and luminous colours, with two Smokey Quartz feature gems.

Detail: The necklace is decorated with silver-coloured bali-style beads at the front and features a silver-coloured heart approx 25mm. Necklace length approx 19".

With the additional dark PEARLS as a symbol of peace and purity, this lovely necklace should lift people's spirits and make them feel calm, dignified and confident. An ideal combination necklace to help people endure hardship and achieve their goals, a gift with real meaning.

:)- Gift-Wrapped
:)- Optional information card (free)
:)- Personal message can be added
:)- Rapid shipping

If your loved-one or friend needs an extra boost, give them this Smokey Quartz gemstone necklace and help them to achieve their goal. Comes gift-wrapped, like all our presents (with an information card) - and we can add a personal message on your behalf


SMOKEY QUARTZ - for endurance and to help people achieve their goals
Smokey Quartz is said to be good for people facing hard times and for alleviating panic attacks, anxiety, and nightmares. It is believed to instill balance and harmony, and to help bring about peace, enhancing quiet reflection. A wonderful stone for relationships, and for people in recovery . . and for those about to go for an operation in Hospital. It is also said to provide clarity of thought, improve intuition and enhance the survival instinct. Ideal present for those trying to Achieve Goals like Quitting Smoking or Losing Weight, or for Business Success.

More information about the good luck properties of Smokey Quartz . .

GARNET is said to bring about passion and to ensure a traveler's safety
It is believed that Noah hung a huge Garnet to help steer the Ark to safety: So travelers started wearing Garnet to light up their journey and protect them from harm. A Garnet gem stone is often gifted to a loved-one to pass on good luck for their journey. Garnet is also the stone of romantic love and passion, enhancing sensuality and intimacy. They are often gifted to women when they fall in love, and so as Engagement presents. Garnet is thought to attract people to the wearer, which can help provide personal and business success.

More information about the good luck properties of Garnet . .
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